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Code of Conduct

The Club Code of Conduct applies to all of our officials, volunteers, members and supporters.
​We acknowledge that;

  • Play by the rules – the rules of your club and the laws of the game

  • Never argue with an umpire or other official – without these people you can’t play

  • Control your temper - verbal abuse of officials and sledging other players doesn’t help you enjoy or win any games

  • Be a team player – It’s a team game, treat it that way

  • Treat all players as you would like to be treated - fairly

  • Co-operate with your coach, the umpires and team-mates

  • Play for your own enjoyment & to improve your skills

  • Don’t use ugly remarks based on race, religion, gender or ability – you’ll let down your coach, team-mates and family if you do – & many such comments are actually now illegal


  • Remember that you are there for the participants to enjoy the game

  • Encourage participation, but don’t force it

  • Teach that enjoyment is more important than winning

  • Never ridicule mistakes or losses – supporters are there to support not downgrade

  • Lead by example and respect all players, coaches, umpires and spectators – physical or verbal abuse will not be tolerated

  • Recognise all volunteers who are giving up their valuable time

  • Never publicly criticise umpires – raise personal concerns with club officials in private

  • Don’t use ugly remarks based on race, religion, gender or ability – you’ll let down your family and yourself if you do – & many such comments are actually now illegal

The Victorian Code of Conduct for Community Sport outlines behaviours that are expected of every person involved in community sport and active recreation, as well as identifying the types of behaviours that will not be tolerated.

Every person: spectator, player, club member, official, participant, administrator, coach, parent or member of the community involved with the sport, should work to ensure:

  • Inclusion of every person regardless of their age, gender or sexual orientation

  • Inclusion of every person regardless of their race, culture or religion

  • Opportunities for people of all abilities to participate in the sport and develop to their full potential

  • Respect is shown towards others, the club and the broader community

  • A safe and inclusive environment for all

  • Elimination of violent and abusive behaviour

  • Protection from sexual harassment or intimidation.

This code applies to community sport, training and club sanctioned activities.

Whilst abiding with the Victorian Code of Conduct for Community Sport, in addition, the Warragul Football and Netball Club has further developed a General Code of Conduct as well as a Child Safe Code of Conduct Agreement that applies to all Committee members, officials, players and supporters of the Warragul Football and Netball Club.

The Code of Conduct sets out the minimum standards of conduct for those participating in club activities, both on and off the field. Documents relating to coaches and players are available for download on the Club’s website.

Committee members, officials, players and supporters shall conduct themselves at all times in a manner that will positively promote and foster the image of the Club within the community as it is important to support your child’s involvement in sport and to be encouraging and considerate of all players. Conduct of those involved in the Club will support its aims, which are to:

  • Maximise recreation and leisure opportunities for the people of the Warragul and district community.

  • Promote, encourage and foster the games of Australian Football and Netball within our community.

  • Provide an environment for all, including children and people with disabilities, that is enjoyable, comfortable, safe and rewarding for all people associated with the Club.

  • Players and officials are encouraged to wear official club clothing at all Club functions and activities.

  • Players and Committee members are required to be financial members of the Club. Supporters are strongly encouraged to become members of the Club.

  • Players and Committee members are required to attend fund raising and social functions, and where possible, assist in the organisation of these events.

  • Players and Club members are required to comply with all Club policies and guidelines, as outlined in the Warragul Football and Netball Club Handbook, and in particular those relating to on field behaviour including Racial and Religious Tolerance and respect of umpires and officials.

This Code of Conduct outlines appropriate standards of behaviour by adults towards children and aims to protect children and reduce any opportunities for abuse or harm to occur. It also helps staff and volunteers by providing them with guidance on how to best support children and how to avoid or better manage difficult situations.

This Code of Conduct applies to all people involved in Warragul Football and Netball Club's activities, including coaches, officials, volunteers and parents. All Warragul Football and Netball Club staff and volunteers are responsible for promoting the safety and wellbeing of children and young people by:

  • Adhering to our Child Safe Policy, this Code of Conduct and other Warragul Football and Netball Club policies

  • Taking all reasonable steps to protect children from abuse

  • Treating everyone with respect, including listening to and valuing their ideas and opinions

  • Welcoming all children and their families and carers and being inclusive

  • Respecting cultural, religious and political differences and acting in a culturally sensitive way, particularly when interacting with children who are Aboriginal or otherwise culturally or linguistically diverse and those with a disability

  • Modelling appropriate adult behaviour

  • Listening to children and responding to them appropriately

  • Reporting and acting on any breaches of this Code of Conduct, complaints or concerns appropriately and treat them seriously and with respect.

  • Complying with our guidelines on physical contact with children

  • Working with children in an open and transparent way – other adults should always know about the work you are doing with children

  • Respecting the privacy of children and their families, and adhering to the Warragul Football and Netball Club's Privacy Policy and Disclaimer

Warragul Football and Netball Club staff and volunteers MUST NOT:

  • Seek to use children in any way to meet the needs of adults

  • Ignore or disregard any concerns, suspicions or disclosures of child abuse

  • Use prejudice, oppressive behaviour or language with children

  • Engage in rough physical games

  • Discriminate on the basis of age, gender, race, culture, vulnerability or sexuality

  • Initiate unnecessary physical contact with children or do things of a personal nature that children can do for themselves, such as toileting or changing clothes

  • Develop ‘special’ relationships with specific children or show favouritism through the provision of girls or inappropriate attention

  • Exchange personal contact details such as phone number, social networking site or email addresses with children

  • Have unauthorised contact with children and young people online or by phone.

Should this Code of Conduct or part thereof be breached in any way, the Committee will take appropriate action in accordance with the Club Rules of Constitution and/or AFL Country Victoria.

Code of Conduct

Covid Safe Plan

Warragul Football and Netball Club (WFNC) is committed to keeping everyone safe during a Pandemic. 
Please click on the link for our Covid Safe Plan.​

Covid Safe Plan

Privacy Policy & Disclaimer

Warragul Football and Netball Club (WFNC) is committed to protect the privacy of all users.

When the term 'we' is used, it refers to the owner of the site, Warragul Football and Netball Club Inc.

(ABN 25 791 198 482). 

In order to provide you with products and services, we will need to collect and use information about you. We are committed to protecting your privacy and managing your personal information in a secure environment. This Website has been developed with your rights and needs in mind and will be maintained according to strict guidelines and policies. In particular, these include the WFNC Privacy Principles which have been designed to ensure that personal information is protected and to specify the guidelines for the collection, use and disclosure of that personal information.
We will keep you informed about the sort of personal information we hold and for what purposes, and how we collect, use and disclose this information. You can request to access and correct any information WFNC collects about you at any time and advise us of any corrections you wish to make.
The WFNC website consists of many pages and services. Information provided may be subject to change from time to time, so we encourage you to check our Privacy Statement regularly.

When you provide WFNC with your personal information, this will be held strictly in accordance with this Privacy Statement. We will inform you when and for what purpose we will be collecting personal information and how the information will be used, and will clearly indicate what information is necessary to access WFNC products and services including transactions. In addition we may offer you the opportunity to provide further information so that WFNC can provide you improved and personalised services. Provision of this additional information is completely at your discretion, and you may decide to not provide it to us.
We will not ask for and collect any sensitive information about you (such as marital status or race) unless it is necessary to meet legal, public interest or statistical requirements related to and required to complete the transaction you have requested. Provision of this information (except where it is a legal requirement) is completely at your discretion, and you may decide to not provide it to us.
If your information is no longer needed by us, we will take all reasonable steps to permanently remove personal identification from the information collected about you.
WFNC may automatically record other information as well. This information is used to improve the structure and performance of WFNC in order to provide you with better services. 
We may track the pattern of visitor usage across WFNC websites using a facility called a cookie. This cookie identifies and recognises the computer (but not the person using the computer) when you visit WFNC websites.
Cookies are pieces of information that a website can transfer to an individual's computer hard drive for record keeping. Cookies can make using WFNC websites easier by storing information about your preferences on a particular website. This will enable you to take full advantage of the services that WFNC offers. The use of cookies is an industry standard and you'll find most major websites use them. Most Internet browsers are pre-set to accept cookies. If you prefer not to receive cookies, you can adjust your Internet browser to disable cookies or to warn you when cookies are being used.
WFNC uses Google Analytics to measure website performance. Information collected is aggregated for reporting purposes. No personally identifiable information is collected by this service. The use of the Google Analytics assists WFNC in measuring and improving the structure and ease of use of our websites.

The personal information that you provide to us during registration for products and services on WFNC websites is used for identification purposes and will assist you to subscribe to WFNC services more easily. The information we collect from your use of the WFNC websites enables us to provide personalised services that are tailored to your needs. Recording usage patterns helps us to identify the areas of our site that are popular and those that are not.
WFNC aggregates the data that is gathered when you use WFNC for analysis purposes. Personally identifiable characteristics are removed and the user remains anonymous, unless you have given prior specific consent for WFNC to recognise your usage on an individual basis. Additional data provided to us is used to examine Internet trends and demographics to help WFNC offer you improved online products and services.


We will not use your personal information or data for a purpose other than the purposes for which you supplied it, and will not disclose it to any other person or organisation unless: 
The information is necessary to conduct a transaction between you and that person or organisation and that transaction has been requested by you; or 
We are required by law to do so; or 
There are reasonable grounds to believe that disclosure is necessary to prevent a threat to life or health; or 
That person or organisation is an agent or contractor providing a service to WFNC, who will be required to maintain the same or similar privacy principles as specified in privacy legislation; or 
You have given us consent to do so.
You may also notify us at any time that you want to change the information held by using the Contact page.

We will take reasonable steps to ensure that all information we collect, use or disclose is accurate, complete, up-to-date and stored in a secure environment accessed only by authorised persons. Transmissions sent to or from WFNC are routinely monitored for quality control and systems administration.
Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. While we strive to protect your personal information from misuse, loss and unauthorised access, we cannot guarantee the security of any information you transmit to us or receive from our online products or services. These activities are conducted at your own risk. Once we receive your transmission, we make our best effort to ensure its security.
Credit card information is among the most sensitive and important data that WFNC receives. Under no circumstances does WFNC store credit card information, eliminating the risk of unauthorised use of such information.

Please contact us using the Contact page to access, correct or update your information.


We will take all reasonable steps to protect the safety of children in their use of WFNC websites.
We ask that children under the age of 18 have a parent or guardian verify their registration or any other application with WFNC. Whilst WFNC will make every reasonable effort to ensure that children's privacy and other rights are not compromised, it is ultimately the responsibility of parents to monitor their children's Internet usage.

Remember to close your browser when you have finished your user session. This is to ensure that others cannot access your personal information and correspondence if you share a computer with someone else or are using a computer in a public place like a library or Internet cafe. You as an individual are responsible for the security of, and access to, your own computer.
Please be aware that whenever you voluntarily disclose personal information over the Internet (eg. in discussion forums, via email, or in chat sites) that this information can be collected and used by others. In short, if you post personal information in publicly accessible online forums, you may receive unsolicited messages from other parties in return.
Ultimately, you are solely responsible for maintaining the secrecy of your username and passwords and any account information. Please be careful and responsible whenever you are using the Internet and WFNC.
For further Privacy information, please refer to the Australian Privacy Commissioner's Website.

If you have any concerns or questions, please contact WFNC by using the Contact page.

Thank you for taking the time to read the WFNC Privacy Statement.

Privacy Policy & Disclamer

Alcohol Policy

The Warragul Football and Netball Club is a family friendly club that seeks to ensure all officials, players, coaches and supporters enjoy the football in a friendly and safe environment. The Club understands and accepts it has a duty of care to provide a safe and healthy environment, with responsible serving of alcohol and free of illegal drugs. This policy reflects a commitment by the club to the health, safety and welfare of all its members.
The Committee of Management of the Warragul Football and Netball Club, as part of the overall corporate
governance procedures, has adopted the AFL Victoria Alcohol Management Policy. All players and officials of the Club are to ensure they are aware of this policy and acknowledge the policies content.

This policy has been approved by the Committee of Management of Warragul Football and Netball Club at its meeting of February 2016.

In addition, the Committee of Management of the WFNC also passed a resolution that no one under the age of 18 at club functions, game day or otherwise will be allowed to consume alcohol on the premises, regardless of parents, guardians or anyone else consent. Any such incident will result in the individual(s) being removed from the Club premises. Furthermore, any individuals caught supplying alcohol to under 18’s will also be removed from the Club premises forthwith, and details recorded in the Club’s Alcohol Management Incident Register, and additional action considered for those individuals on a case‐by‐case basis.


This policy aims to provide a basis for the responsible management of alcohol by the Warragul Football and Netball Club. The club recognises the importance in holding a liquor license in the value it adds to the club, enabling it to generate income and hold social functions, but in doing so the club also accepts the responsibilities and expectations of the community in strictly adhering to the liquor licensing laws.



Alcohol will be served according to the requirements of the club's liquor licence and in accordance with the safety and wellbeing of patrons.

  • The club will maintain a current liquor licence.

  • The liquor licence will be displayed at the bar.

  • Persons under the age of 18 years are not permitted to serve alcohol.

  • Only Responsible Serving of Alcohol (RSA) trained members/bar staff will be permitted to serve alcohol.

  • The club will discourage excessive or rapid consumption of alcohol.

  • Alcoholic drinks will be served in standard drink measures.

  • The club will display posters on liquor license regulations and education.

  • Promoting the responsible use of alcohol

  • The club will actively demonstrate its attitude relating to the responsible use of alcohol.

  • The club will educate club members and supporters about the alcohol policy.

  • Alcohol advertising will only appear at the bar.



  • Alcohol will not be served to any person who is intoxicated.

  • Servers will follow procedures, provided in their training, for dealing with and refusing alcohol to

  • intoxicated patrons.

  • Intoxicated patrons will be asked to leave the club.

  • Intoxicated persons will be refused entry into the club.



  • Alcohol will not be served to persons under the age of 18 years.

  • Staff will request proof of age, where appropriate.

  • Only photographic ID will be accepted.



Bar staff shall encourage members and visitors to make alternate safe transport arrangements if they are considered to exceed .05 blood alcohol concentration.

  • Telephone calls will be made free of charge to arrange a taxi or other transport.

  • Contact telephone numbers for taxi services will be displayed at the bar.

  • In specific cases, where a designated driver who has been nominated by the club and that person has accepted the responsibility to drive others home safely, will be provided non‐alcoholic drinks free of charge by the club.



  • Prizes for raffles and fundraising will not have an alcohol focus.

  • The club will monitor and ensure any club trips, particularly end of season player trips, strictly adhere to responsible behaviour and alcohol consumption in accordance with the principles of this policy.


The club will wherever possible actively promote and sell food whenever alcohol is available.


  • A list of all RSA trained club members will be displayed near the bar. The list will also highlight RSA trained committee members.

  • Non and low alcoholic alternative drinks will be available at all times.

  • Tap water will be provided free of charge from the bar.

  • An incident register will be maintained to record any incidents that may occur in relation to compliance with this policy and the operation of the social rooms bar.

  • Bar staff will not be permitted to drink alcohol while serving behind the bar.

The presence of committee members is essential to ensure the operation of the bar and policy compliance. At least two duty committee members who are RSA trained are required to be present at all club functions when the bar is open.

Key responsibilities of the duty committee members are to:

  • Meet visiting police, cooperate and assist with any inquiries.

  • Ensure the admission of members and guests and completion of the visitor’s book.

  • Compliance in respect of persons under 18 years of age on premises.

  • Ensuring intoxicated people are refused service and are asked to leave the premises.

  • Ensuring strict compliance with the club policy in accordance with the key provisions of the Liquor Licence.

  • Recording any incidents in the incident register.


All club committee members will enforce the alcohol management policy and any non‐compliance will be
managed according to the following process;

  • Explanation of the club policy to the person/people concerned, including identification of the section of policy not being complied with.

  • Continued non‐compliance with the policy should be handled by at least two committee members who will use their discretion as to the action taken, which may include asking the person/ people to leave the club facilities or function.


PROMOTING THE “Alcohol Management Policy”
The club will promote the alcohol management policy regularly by;

  • Distributing a copy to all club members.

  • Displaying a copy of the policy in the club social rooms.

  • Periodic announcements to members at functions.

The club recognises the importance of educating club members, particularly players in the benefits of implementing an alcohol management policy and will endeavour to provide information to assist this process.


To ensure this policy continues to be relevant for club operation and that it reflects both community expectations and the provisions of the Liquor Control Reform Act, the policy will be reviewed annually.

Alcohol Policy

Child Safety Policy


Child abuse includes sexual offences, grooming, physical violence, serious emotional or psychological harm, serious neglect and a child’s exposure to family violence.

At Warragul Football and Netball Club we have a zero tolerance for child abuse and are committed to acting in children’s best interests and keeping them safe from harm. The Club regards its child protection responsibilities with the utmost importance and is committed to providing the necessary resources to ensure compliance with all relevant child protection laws and regulations and maintain a child safe culture. We demonstrate this through the implementation of a Code of Conduct, this Child Safety Policy, clear reporting guidelines and the following:


Warragul Football and Netball Club is committed to child safety.

  • We want children to be safe, happy and empowered. We support and respect all children, as well as our staff and volunteers.

  • We are committed to the safety, participation and empowerment of all children.

  • We have zero tolerance of child abuse, and all allegations and safety concerns will be treated very seriously and consistently with our policies and procedures.

  • We have legal and moral obligations to contact authorities when we are worried about a child’s safety, which we follow rigorously.

  • Warragul Football and Netball Club is committed to preventing child abuse and identifying risks early, and removing and reducing these risks.

  • Warragul Football and Netball Club has robust recruitment practices for all staff and volunteers.

  • Warragul Football and Netball Club is committed to training and educating our staff and volunteers on child abuse risks.

  • We support and respect all children, as well as our staff and volunteers. We are committed to the cultural safety of Aboriginal children, the cultural safety of children from a culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, and to providing a safe environment for children with a disability.

  • We have specific policies, procedures and training in place that support our leadership team, staff and volunteers to achieve these commitments.

​If you believe a child is at immediate risk of abuse phone 000.


This policy is intended to empower children who are vital and active participants in our Club. We will involve them when making decisions, especially about matters that directly affect them. We listen to their views and respect what they have to say.

We promote diversity and tolerance, and people from all walks of life and cultural backgrounds are welcome. In particular, we will:

  • promote the cultural safety, participation and empowerment of Aboriginal children

  • promote the cultural safety, participation and empowerment of children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds

  • ensure that children with a disability are safe and can participate equally.



This policy guides our staff and volunteers on how to behave with children at our Club.

All of our staff and volunteers must agree to abide by our Code of Conduct which specifies the standards of conduct required when working with children. All staff and volunteers, as well as children and their families, are given the opportunity to contribute to the development of the code of conduct. The Code of Conduct is contained within our Club Handbook and distributed to everyone involved with the Club at the start of each season. 


Training and education is important to ensure that everyone at our Club understands that child safety is everyone’s responsibility. Our culture aims for all staff and volunteers (in addition to parents/carers and children) to feel confident and comfortable in discussing any allegations of child abuse or child safety concerns.

We support our staff and volunteers through ongoing supervision to:

  • develop their skills to protect children from abuse

  • promote the cultural safety of Aboriginal children

  • the cultural safety of children from linguistically and/or diverse backgrounds

  • the safety of children with a disability


New staff and volunteers will be supervised to ensure they understand our Club’s commitment to child safety and that everyone has a role to play in protecting children from abuse, as well as checking that their behaviour towards children is safe and appropriate (please refer our Code of Conduct to understand appropriate behaviour further). Any inappropriate behaviour will be reported through the appropriate channels, including the Department of Health and Human Services and Victoria Police, depending on the severity and urgency of the matter.


We will take all reasonable steps to employ skilled people to work with children. We will develop selection criteria and advertisements which clearly demonstrate our commitment to child safety and an awareness of our social and legislative responsibilities. Our organisation understands that when recruiting staff and volunteers we have ethical as well as legislative obligations. We will actively encourage applications from Aboriginal peoples, people from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds and people with a disability.


All people engaged in child‐related work, including volunteers, are required to hold a Working with Children Check and to provide evidence of this Check. Please visit for more information:

We will carry out reference checks and police record checks to ensure that we are recruiting the right people. Police record checks are used only for the purposes of recruitment and are discarded after the recruitment process is complete. We will only retain individual records if an applicant is appointed. These records will be kept according to our Privacy Policy and Disclaimer.
If during the recruitment process a person’s records indicate a criminal history then the person will be given the opportunity to provide further information and context.

The safety and wellbeing of children is our primary concern. We are also fair and just to personnel. The decisions we make when recruiting, assessing incidents, and undertaking disciplinary action will always be thorough, transparent, and based on evidence.

We will record all allegations of abuse and safety concerns using our incident reporting form, including investigation updates as they occur. All records will be securely and confidentially stored on our Google Drive by the Club Secretary.

If an allegation of abuse or a safety concern is raised, we will provide updates to affected children and families on progress and any actions, we as an organisation, take.


All personal information considered or recorded will respect the privacy of the individuals involved, whether they be staff, volunteers, parents or children, unless there is a risk to someone’s safety. We have safeguards and practices in place to ensure any personal information is protected. Please see our Privacy Policy and Disclaimer for more information.

Our organisation takes our legal responsibilities seriously, including:

  • Failure to disclose: Reporting child sexual abuse is a community‐wide responsibility. All adults in Victoria who have a reasonable belief that an adult has committed a sexual offence against a child under 16 have an obligation to report that information to the police.

  • Failure to protect: People of authority in our organisation will commit an offence if they know of a substantial risk of child sexual abuse and have the power or responsibility to reduce or remove the risk, but negligently fail to do so.

Any personnel who are mandatory reporters must comply with their duties.


In Victoria, organisatoons are required to protect children when a risk is identified (see information about failure to protect above). In addition to general occupational health and safety risks, we will proactively manage risks of abuse to our children.

We have risk management strategies in place to identify, assess, and take steps to minimise child abuse risks, which include risks posed by physical environments (for example, any doors that can lock), and online environments (e.g. no Coaching Staff or Volunteer is to have direct one‐on‐one contact with a child via social media).


This policy will be reviewed every two years and following significant incidents if they occur. We will ensure that families and children have the opportunity to contribute. Where possible we do our best to work with local Aboriginal communities, culturally and/or linguistically diverse communities and people with a disability.


Our Club will take all allegations seriously and has Child Safe Reporting Guidelines in place to investigate thoroughly and quickly. We have nominated Child Safety Officers and will ensure that they are trained to deal appropriately with allegations. We work to ensure all children, families, staff and volunteers are aware of our Child Safe Reporting Guidelines so that they know what to do and who to tell if they observe abuse or are a victim, and if they notice inappropriate behaviour. We all have a responsibility to report an allegation of abuse if we have a reasonable belief that an incident took place (see information about failure to disclose above). If an adult has a reasonable belief that an incident has occurred, then they must report the incident. Factors contributing to reasonable belief may be:

  • a child states they or someone they know has been abused (noting that sometimes the child may in fact be referring to themselves)

  • behaviour consistent with that of an abuse victim is observed

  • someone else has raised a suspicion of abuse but is unwilling to report it

Child Safety Policy

U16 & U18 Coaching Policy


All coaches and assistants shall have a valid working with children’s permit.

  • All coaches shall have or obtain an AFL Vic Level 1 accreditation.

The highest priority for the Warragul Football Club coaches is to improve skills, discipline and knowledge of every player in a fun and encouraging way that develops good team spirit.

The coaches are expected to instil a spirit of sportsmanship within their teams. The following behaviours are expected from coaches, officials and players;

  • A spirit of fair play

  • Respect to team mates

  • Respect to opposition players

  • Respect to officials

Coaches shall not question or comment on non‐favourable umpiring decisions during the game and shall encourage player respect for officials and the decisions they make. Coaches shall not swear during games or training.


Each age division has the option to cap numbers at 26 per list. With 22 players selected each week a rotation system for additional players should be introduced. Players not selected would carry out club duties of running water and boundary umpiring where required.

Permit players from any other league or association may only play where total available listed player number is less than 22.

Coaches should communicate via phone, text or email to both players and parents/guardians. Social media to individuals is not to be used as a basis of communication. Please read the Social Media Policy for more information. Ensure clear and regular communication at all times.


All officials representing the Warragul Football Netball Club are required to perform their duties with respect to our and other club representatives participating.

U16 U18 Coaching Policy

Social Media Policy

This Policy is about the tools that the Warragul Football and Netball Club will use in as part of its communications. This Policy is not about the tools that individuals use in their day‐to‐day communication; however, the Club’s Code of Conduct will be enacted as a result of any individual issue or behavior arising that is considered to place the Club into disrepute.

The term ‘Media’ is generally defined as an instrument of communication – for example newspaper, radio, television or film is commonly known as ‘Industrial Media’. This form of communication is generally a one‐way street where you can read a newspaper or listen to a report on television, but you have very limited ability to give your thoughts on the matter.

In contrast, ‘Social Media’ is a social instrument of communication – it is a two‐way street that gives you the ability to communicate too. In Web terms, this would be a website that doesn’t just give you information, but interacts with you while giving you that information. This interaction can be as simple as asking for your comments or letting you vote on an article, or it can be as complex as Flixster recommending movies to you based on the ratings of other people with similar interests. Any website that invites you to interact with the site (to share information and resources; and can include text, audio, video, images, podcasts, and other multimedia communications), and could include the interaction with other visitors, falls into the definition of Social Media.

Social Media may include (although is not limited to):

  • social networking sites (e.g. Facebook, Myspace, LinkedIn, Bebo, Yammer)

  • Social video and photo sharing websites (e.g. Flickr, YouTube, Picasa)

  • blogs, including corporate blogs and personal blogs

  • blogs hosted by media outlets (e.g. ‘comments’ or ‘your say’ feature in major newspapers)

  • micro‐blogging (e.g. Twitter)

  • wikis and online collaborations (e.g. Wikipedia)

  • forums, discussion boards and groups (e.g. Google groups, Whirlpool)

  • vod and podcasting

  • online multiplayer gaming platforms

  • instant messaging (including SMS)

  • geo‐spatial tagging (Foursquare)


The Warragul Football and Netball Club supports the following guidelines when using social media:


  • Use common sense

  • Always respect the Gippsland League, its clubs, competitors, players, fans and sponsors

  • Tweet and update your Facebook status regularly

  • Promote positive stories about you and your club with links

  • Interact with your followers and friends

  • Follow each other and chat with each other

  • Talk about life outside footy

  • Have fun


  • Never act like everything you upload is private

  • Don’t forget the Gippsland League and its clubs follow you

  • Don’t abuse the Gippsland League, its clubs, fans, competitors and sponsors

  • Never post photos that are inappropriate (i.e. over‐drinking, nudity, etc.)

  • Ignore haters – don’t respond to them.


The Warragul Football and Netball Club Inc. hereby announces that it has a ‘Zero Tolerance’ on any breaches; there is to be no bringing the Club into disrepute, no racial and/or religious vilification; no derogatory remarks towards our Club, other Clubs, the Gippsland League, and/or individuals.

Inappropriate use of electronic communication includes but is not limited to making or posting inappropriate comments against players, clubs (ours and others), club officials, match officials, league itself or its delegates which is hurtful, discriminatory or offensive in nature. Any person who believes that they have been the victims of inappropriate electronic communication should report the matter to any member of the Executive Committee (either in writing or verbally) along with any evidence that may assist the Club in investigating the concern. The Club will undertake to investigate the concern at its discretion. Matters which are deemed by the Executive to be more serious in nature may be reported to external authorities (i.e. the Police). Should this need to occur, it will be done so by the Club President.

Non‐compliance with the general outline above will result in disciplinary action for any violations ‐as outlined in the Club’s Constitution and Club’s Code of Conduct. A rule of thumb is: “If you don’t have something positive to say, then do not say anything at all.”

As a player and/or member of the Warragul Football and Netball Club, it is everyone’s responsibility to implement this Policy.

The Warragul Football and Netball Club also recognises that as providers of information we have a duty of care to convey information to all players and members in a respectful and courteous manner ‐both verbally and in written form. The Warragul Football and Netball Club Executive and General Committee understand and accept its responsibility to this effect; and to abide by the Club’s Code of Conduct. Equally, it is imperative that all players and parents/guardians and friends also abide by the Club's Code of Conduct.

This Policy aims to provide a basis for the responsible use of Social Media (including applications such as the Club’s Facebook and TeamApp); recognise and identify the shortcomings of the use of Social Media; and to develop strategies and guidelines to mitigate against issues arising.

Facebook will be used as an authorised two‐way communication strategy from the Club Executive and General Committee to all players and members with the aim to:

  • Use Social Media to provide immediate information to players and members;

  • A quick, inexpensive and very effective way to communicate with players and members;

  • Drive players and members to use the website even more than it is currently used;

  • Further promote our sponsors;

  • Further promote our Club to increase our member base (and thus increase exposure to our sponsors);

  • Market club merchandise;

  • Promote come‐and‐try days; and

  • Post photos and calendar events.

This Policy will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains relevant, practical and that it reflects community expectations and legal requirements. The Policy will be reviewed in the first instance by March 2018; and thereafter annually.

Social Media Policy

Photography Policy

Warragul Football and Netball Club operates with an Opt Out Policy. This means that if you do not want your child’s photo printed in Club material or put onto our Website and Facebook pages, it is your responsibility to inform the club.

Photography Opt-Out Request

I DO NOT want any photography of my child to be used for marketing purposes or in any publicly available media produced by the club *

Photography Policy

Illicit Drug Policy

The Warragul Football and Netball Club understands and accepts it has a duty of care to provide a safe and healthy environment, with responsible serving of alcohol and free of illegal drugs. This policy reflects a commitment by the club to the health, safety and welfare of all its members. This policy has been approved by the Committee of Management of Warragul Football and Netball Club Inc. at its meeting of February 2016.

The Warragul Football and Netball Club are committed to:

  • Encouraging and assisting members to realise their full potential within an environment that actively promotes their health, safety and well‐being.

  • Preventing alcohol and other drug related harm to individuals, property and the reputation of the club.

  • Ensuring a supportive and inclusive environment for all members.

  • Providing support to members who wish to address their patterns of alcohol and/or illegal drug use.

  • Meeting legal requirements in relation to alcohol and illegal drugs.

  • Encouraging moderation and a responsible attitude to the consumption of alcohol.


The purpose of this policy is to ensure club members understand the club’s position regarding illegal drugs and explain how the club will respond to a drug‐related incident within its jurisdiction.

Illegal drugs are used by many people in the community, including young adults, so it is likely that some members of our club will have access to them. Currently there are two distinct but related illegal drug issues confronting sporting clubs:

  •  performance enhancing drugs illegal drugs used for social purposes (e.g. at parties, raves, in the home, at the club, etc.).

  • These two categories are not mutually exclusive. Some illegal drugs used for social purposes (such as amphetamines, e.g. speed) may be used to enhance sporting performance.

The Club jurisdiction extends to the club premises and all activities organised by or for the club at any location or

This policy applies to all members, employees, supporters and visitors of the Warragul Football and Netball Club.
Members and employees should ensure they do not attend the club if adversely affected by illegal drugs and/or
Club Confidant (Chaplain)

The Club will designate an appropriate individual to act as the Club Confidant. This person may, but does not have to be the Club President or another office bearer and will be responsible for the management of all illegal drug related incidents. The Club will support this person to carry out their duties whenever required.

The possession, use, distribution or selling of illegal drugs for any purposes on club premises or at any function or activity organised by the club is prohibited. In the case of an incident involving an illegal drug, the initial actions and responses will focus on the safety and welfare of those directly and indirectly involved. All responses and actions will reflect the club’s duty of care to members, visitors and all other people. The club will investigate all apparent or alleged breaches of this policy and determine a course of action after all relevant facts and circumstances are known. The club may refer a member who is involved in illegal drug use to a medical or health service for assistance or, if the club deems it necessary in the circumstances, to the police.

Where a club member becomes aware that illegal drug use is occurring at the club or within its jurisdiction, the
member should pass on this information to the President and/or Club Confidant. Should the need arise the Club will sanction the individual(s) in line with the club’s rules and policies.
The Club Confidant will:

  • Speak to the individual(s) in private, expressing concern about their drug use;

  • Remind the individual(s) of the club policy and asked for a commitment that it will not happen again;

  • Offer options for support and referral for counselling or other help;

  • Leave the door open for further communication with the individual(s) concerned;

  • Inform the Club President in the event of non‐compliance.

  • If an individual(s) is under the influence of a legal or illegal drug at the club, the club will:

  • Ensure the health and safety of the individual(s);

  • Keep the individual under supervision and monitor them at regular intervals;

  • Call for medical assistance if required;

  • Arrange safe transport to take them home, unless this involves further risk;

  • Take control of any remaining drugs in their possession, unless this involves further risk;

  • If the person becomes violent or aggressive, contact police to ensure the safety of all;

  • Inform the Club President (and Club Confidant) as soon as possible.

  • Drugs found at the club or in the possession of an individual

If illegal drugs are found at the club or in the possession of an individual, the President and/or Club Confidant will be contacted as soon as possible.

The Club will:

  • Take possession of the drug if safe to do so.

  • Place the drug in a clean (preferably “snap lock”) plastic bag.

  • Seal the plastic bag with masking tape to ensure it stays closed.

  • The finder and/or club president should sign and date the tape/bag.

  • Record details in an incident register.

  • Contact local police and request they attend the club to collect the drugs.

  • Store the plastic bag in a secure place until collected by police.

  • Obtain the signature of attending police for the incident register to show the drugs have been taken into their possession.

  • Ask the person suspected to be in possession of the drugs to leave the premises immediately (assuming it is safe for them to do so), if they deny possessing drugs or refuse to relinquish possession of the drugs to the club.


If it is suspected or known that a member is supplying illegal drugs to other members of the club, the Club Confidant will:

  • Speak to the individual to determine if they are supplying illegal drugs to others.

  • If this is verified, or there is a strong belief this is occurring, the club will contact Crime Stoppers on 1300 333 000.

If it is unable to be verified, the club will monitor the situation and warn the individual that the matter will be reported to the police if the club has continued concerns.


Subject to its right to contact the police if necessary, the Club will maintain the privacy of those involved where
possible The Club will act with discretion when absolute confidentiality cannot be guaranteed Club personnel will be informed on a need to know basis only.


In the interests of health and safety, the Club will contact the parents or guardian of a minor where apparent or
suspected illegal drug use has occurred (unless by doing so it will place the safety of the individual at risk of greater harm).
The Club will inform all members aged under 18 years that parents will be notified if the club is aware (or strongly
believes) they are using or supplying illegal drugs. If the member is aged over 18 years, the club will determine each case on its merits and decide whether contacting parents or guardian is in the best interests of the individual.


If the Club is aware that a member is supplying illegal drugs to other members, they will notify Crime Stoppers of this activity. In the case of apparent or alleged illegal drug use, the club may report a person to, or seek the advice of the police.


The Club understands that medical assistance may be required if a person has been using drugs.

  • The Club will designate a club official to communicate with the media on behalf of the club should the need arise.

  • The Club may seek advice from the league/association prior to communicating with the media.

  • No other member of the club will communicate with the media on this issue, unless specifically requested

by the club official.


All club committee members will enforce the illegal drug policy and any non‐compliance will be handled according to the following process:

  • The designated Club Confidant (and President) will be informed of the breach of policy.

  • The individual(s) concerned will be reminded of the club policy.

  • Issue a warning of future sanctions for continued non‐compliance.

The Club Confidant and President will use their discretion as to the action taken for non‐compliance, based

  • Involved use or supply

  • Whether the use or supply takes place within the club’s jurisdiction or in private

  • Age of the persons involved

  • In general, and depending on any other rules of the club, should an individual(s) continue non‐compliance with this policy, the following will occur:

  • Suspension for a designated time period

  • Expulsion from the club.


This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains relevant to club operations and reflects both community
expectations and legal requirements.


As a player and/or member of the Warragul Football and Netball Club, it is everyone’s responsibility to implement this policy.

Illicit Drug Policy

Contact Us


Home Ground: Western Park Reserve Warragul VIC 3820 Australia

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© 2023 Warragul Football & Netball Club. All Rights Reserved. 

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